October 13, 2020

Scars are distinct marks left behind when a wound or sore has healed. They are part of the natural skin-healing process and are usually darker than the rest of the skin. Scars can result from injury, cuts, abrasions, chickenpox, trauma, burns, or skin conditions such as rashes, acne, and eczema.  

As part of growing up, almost every baby will be exposed to situations that may cause scarring. The good news is that not all wounds develop into scars. Also, many scars are minor and will clear on their own. However, some scars don’t fade away on their own and may require special attention. 

How Scars Form 

For a wound or sore to develop into a scar, several things happen. The first is inflammation as the body defense mechanism tries to heal the wound. 

During this stage, the sore is tender, swollen, and in some cases, itchy. The body then produces collagen to repair and restore the damaged area. As that happens, the upper layer of the skin dries, creating a rough patch of skin. Eventually, this rough patch of skin is shed off, leaving behind a dark mark or spot. This mark or spot is the scar. 

Before we move on to different scars removal methods for kids, it is essential to understand the different scars. 

1.Keloid and Hypertrophic scars

These are thick and raised scars that occur due to collagen’s irregular build-up around the wound area. They are caused by trauma or injury. Keloid scars are more raised and extend over and above the injured area.

2.Atrophic scars

Atrophic scars are sunken because they heal below the normal layer of the skin and are usually caused by severe acne or chickenpox.

How To Prevent Scars In Babies

Injuries, cuts, and some other skin conditions are part of most childhood experiences, and your baby may not be immune to them. But with the right care and precautions, it is possible to prevent scarring or help to minimize the severity of the scars. 

1.Proper Wound Management

Most scars are a result of poor wound management. If the wounds are infected by bacteria and not swiftly taken care of, healing may not occur properly, leading to scarring. 

If the skin is broken by injury or abrasions, that area should be washed with water and soap to prevent infection. You may decide to use antibacterial soaps or creams for additional protection. 

Wounds should also be covered to keep bacteria out. For serious injuries, seek the doctor’s intervention. 

2.Wearing Protective Clothing and Gear

Is it possible to keep your baby from getting wounds in the first place? Yes, it is. You can do this by ensuring that they wear protective gear when engaging in activities and sports that may expose them to the risk of significant injuries such as skating and cycling.

3.Avoid Exposure to Dangerous UV Rays from the sun.

Exposure to the sun may make scarring worse. To prevent this, ensure your kid’s scars are covered while playing in the sun. Applying sunscreen helps a lot too.

4.Include Vitamin C in their Diet

Vitamin C helps to speed up the healing of wounds and prevent scarring. Therefore ensure that your baby’s diet is rich in vitamin C. Citrus fruits such as oranges contain high vitamin C content. 

5.Avoid Scratching Itchy Wounds

It is crucial to train the kid to refrain from scratching their wounds to minimize inflammation and prevent infection. You can also help them reduce the severity of itching by cooling the itchy area or eliminating the itching triggers. 


How to Remove Scars On Kids

Different scars require to be handled differently. You need to be aware that some scars can disappear, while others may be almost possible to remove.  

Small or minor scars are easy to treat, and you can even get rid of them using simple home remedies. On the other hand, deep scars may be more challenging to get rid of and may require skin expert intervention. 

Let’s first look at simple scar removal home remedies you could use to treat or manage your kids’ scars before moving on to medical options.  

Home Remedies for Kids’ Scars

1.Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter can reduce the appearance of scars because it is rich in antioxidants that help keep the skin moisturized. It prevents the scar from drying and keeps the skin supple. For effective results, apply some cocoa butter on the scar and massage gently. Do this every night for a few weeks.


Cucumbers are also effective in scar treatment and will help to diminish the appearance of scars. Cucumbers can brighten the scarred area leaving the baby’s skin looking better than before. They also contain vitamin C, which boosts cell growth and accelerates skin repair. You can put cucumber slices or mash on the scars and leave it for a few minutes before washing it off.

3.Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a known lightening agent. Using it on your baby’s scars will help eliminate the dark pigmentation and make the skin look brighter and more radiant. 

Lemon juice has high vitamin C content, which boosts new skin tissue production to replace the baby’s scarred tissue. Apply freshly squeezed juice on the scar and leave it for fifteen minutes. Do this at least twice daily.  

4.Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the oldest remedies for skin conditions. Applying Aloe extract will help to lighten the scarred tissue and improve the appearance of the damaged skin. 

Aloe Vera also helps to eliminate the redness and swelling that leads to scarring. So, it would provide good prevention against scar formation. It also stimulates collagen production, which speeds up the healing process and repairs damaged skin. 

Apply aloe extract on your baby’s scars twice a day. Leave it for 30 minutes each time, then wash it off.

5.Oatmeal Bath

Instead of just feeding your baby oatmeal for breakfast food, you can use it on their scars too. Oatmeal contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are essential ingredients in the treatment of scars. It helps to reduce inflammation and repair the scarred area of your baby’s skin. 

Oatmeal is also a natural skin moisturizer. Simply prepare an oatmeal bath and let the baby soak in it for 15 minutes. Do this regularly. 

6.Baking Soda

Baking soda can work as a bleaching agent to help you remove the dark coloring on the baby’s scars. It is a natural exfoliant, and you can use it to gently scrub the scarred area to reduce the scar’s appearance.

Baking soda can also be used as an antiseptic. It reduces inflammation and can mitigate scarring. Mix distilled water with two tablespoons of baking soda to form a paste. Rub the paste on the scar and leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing. Repeat daily. 


Scar Removal for Kids: Professional Treatments

If your baby has severe scars, you can opt for professional treatment. Some methods used in medical treatment for kids' scars include;

  • Tropical Scars Treatment

You can buy medicated lotions, creams, gels, and moisturizers to diminish scars’ appearance and make them less visible. These products are rich in skin-healing properties and can make a great impact in restoring your baby’s skin health. 

Ensure that you use ointments that are specifically for babies. Most of them are available without a prescription, but you might need to consult a doctor before using the more potent ones. These ointments should be used regularly.

Silicone Gel Technology 

Medical silicone is one of the most effective scar treatments for people of all ages, including babies. You can use either Silicone gel or Silicone scar removal strips directly on the scarred area to reduce scars’ appearance and accelerate healing. 

Silicone forms an artificial barrier on the scar and helps to keep the scar moisturized. It is safe for babies and is available over-the-counter.

  • Pressure Theraphy

Pressure dressing involves using a stretchable piece of clothing such as stocking or elastic bandage to cover a scar to reduce its appearance. Your baby may have to keep the pressure dressing on for up to 12 months. 

  • Laser Theraphy

This works for almost all types of scars, no matter how deep. Doctors remove scars with laser light on the skin tissue’s upper layers, making them less visible.

  • Scar Revision

This involves using different techniques to reduce the scar’s size or make it blend in with the surrounding skin. Some of the methods used include dermabrasion and z-plasty

  • Cryotherapy

This treatment involves the use of freezing temperatures to destroy the scar tissue. It minimizes the size of the scar and may restore the skin’s normal texture. 

  • Surgical Removal

Depending on the scar, it is possible to reduce the scar’s size or diminish its appearance surgically. In other cases, the surgeon may decide to replace the damaged area with normal skin to blend it with the other parts of the skin. 



Scars can affect the young, just like the old. Don’t let scars lower your child’s quality of life. Using these scar removal methods for kids can help reduce the appearance of scars on their tender skin.