September 01, 2020

It’s normal to be stressed at times in the hustle and bustle of life, more so if you have scars that make you feel anxious. There’s no better way to help cope and have that relaxation than with a good scar massage.

A general full body massage has numerous critical benefits to your health, such as reducing anxiety and lowering blood pressure. On the other hand, a scar massage is also helpful in multiple ways, including tissue regeneration, promoting fast healing. 

We will explore all the benefits of a scar massage. But first, let’s get to the basics:

What is a Scar?

Scars form as the body’s attempt to repair a wound caused by accidents, diseases, or surgery.  It’s the body’s natural healing process.  

A point to note carefully is that if a wound takes longer to heal, and the more severe damage to your skin, the higher the chances of developing a more noticeable scar. Also, more mature skin like that of an aged person will have a less visible scar, whereas a very young skin will heal more nd results in thicker and more extensive scars.

At times, no matter how much you want to conceal a scar, they’re still noticeable. To understand how to manage a scar with a massage, let’s first understand how they form.


How Does a Scar Form 

All the injuries to the skin will always result in scars. However, the extent of the skin damage will determine the nature and type of scar that will form. Whether the injury to the skin is due to diseases, accidents, or surgeries, your body will respond with a normal wound healing process in three phases.

1. The First Phase is the Inflammation

The body attempts to heal the wound by inflammation.  During this phase, the scar is swollen, very tender, and red. It only takes two weeks.

2. The Second Phase is the Proliferation

During this phase, the body begins repairing the skin by depositing scar tissues inside the wound. The phase can take six weeks. 

During this time, the scar is usually hard and raised because of substantial collagen that forms inside the wound. The scar is premature at this phase. Also, it’s rigid, raised, and red.

3. The Third Phase is Remodeling

During this phase, the body is working on the scar to soften and flatten it.

The scar is considered mature in this phase because some of the vast amounts of collagen formed in the second phase disappear. This phase can last up to anywhere between twelve and eighteen months.

Scars will keep on fading and healing for at least two years after the injury or incision. As the scar heals in the remodeling phase, it lightens. Mature scars are pale, flat, and small. You can enhance the scars healing process by massaging them.

While some scars may never fade completely, it’s possible to make them less noticeable. The best way to manage the appearance and the formation of scars is by massaging them.

Nonetheless, it would be best to exercise the scar to stop any possible tightness – for a more prominent scar over the joint.


What is Scar massage?

Scar massage is a convenient method of flattening and reducing scars. You can massage them on your own or use a scar massage therapist.

Before you begin to massage a scar, ensure the scar is in good condition. Never massage a scar until the incision is completely healed, and it’s no longer a scab or a wound.  Massaging a scar prematurely can make it tear or reopen, causing an infection.

So, it’s vital to wait for two weeks after injury or surgery before massaging it. To get the desired results, you should massage a scar within the first two years because it’s forming rapidly and healing.

Benefits of Scar Massage

Scar massage has several benefits, as outlined hereinbelow.

  1.  It reduces the building up of scar tissue. The overabundance of scar tissue causes the muscles to become weaker and stiff. In some instances, scar tissue removal surgery may be needed to keep them in check. 
  2. It enhances the flow of blood, which encourages healing and the elasticity of the scar.
  3. It reduces the wound’s proliferation and swelling by draining excess fluids.
  4. It reduces tingling, numbness, soreness, hence helps in regaining the feelings in the injured area.
  5. It dramatically improves the appearance of the scar. 
  6. It makes the scar flexible, increasing mobility, making the movement less prohibitive, and eliminating tightness. 

When Should you Begin Massaging a Scar?

Massage the scars two weeks after you have surgery. Hold back until the scabs fall off by themselves, and all sutures are removed.  Never pull the scabs off.

When Should you Begin Massaging a Scar?

Massage the scars two weeks after you have surgery. Hold back until the scabs fall off by themselves, and all sutures are removed.  Never pull the scabs off.

The Most Effective Way to Massage a Scar

As you can see above, the benefits of massaging a scar are quite many. Therefore, scar massage is worth every effort. Scar massage after surgery helps hasten the wounds’ healing process and lowers the visibility of the scar.

Here’s how to massage scar tissue in the comfort of your home:  

  • During the initial healing phase, massage the scar for 10-15 minutes, 3-4 times a day.
  • Apply a scar massage lotion that’s not perfumed. Non- perfumed vitamin E lotion has been proved to aid in building collagen. Massaging the scar with the said lotion helps to lubricate the skin and reduces the friction.
  • Use the tip of your two fingers or a soft pad to gently but firmly massage your scar or tissue within the scar—massage in circles, vertical, and horizontal movements.

Here’s how to massage the scar tissue in a circular movement:

  • Using your two fingers, make small circular movements on your scar’s length and the skin adjacent to it, then with the tip of your two fingers, massage the scar vertically repeatedly. 
  • Horizontally, use your two fingers to massage the scar sideways. All the same, use as much pressure as you can put up with, starting with light pressure and apply much deep pressure as the wound continues to heal.
  • You should massage the scar three or four times a day for at least ten minutes every time.

For How Long Should You Massage the Scar

You can massage the scar for not less than six weeks after an injury or surgery. Scars can be massaged for over six months if you wish to, because it can’t hurt the wound, and can have loads of benefits.

When Should You Stop Massaging a Scar?

Stop massaging your scar and reach out to a doctor if you notice these things: 

  • Bleeding
  • Redness
  • if the scar is feeling warmer than the skin adjacent to it
  • Unusual pain at the place of your scar

When your scar is healing, don’t expose it to the sun. Why? Scars burn and not tan at the sun’s exposure because they don’t have melanin like on normal skin. Scars are more prone to UV damage and are easily sunburned than any normal skin. 

Therefore, to protect them from the sun’s UV rays’ harmful effects, wear sunscreen with an SPF of 35 or more and cover them always with a bandage. Cover them for up to one year after the surgery or accident.

What Scar Massage Lotions Should You Use?


You can use moisturizing lotions that keep your skin supple and soft. However, avoid using any scented lotions. Stay away from utilizing a cream rich in vitamin E one month after the incision. You can use the lotion just one month after the surgery.

Here are some of the lotions you can use to massage the scar:

Types of Scars that Can Benefit from a Massage

Not all types of scars can be helped with massage, especially keloids. However, other scars, such as C- section scar or knee replacement scar, can be massaged effectively.

  • C-Section Massage Therapy

Types of Scars that Can Benefit from a Massage

Not all types of scars can be helped with massage, especially keloids. However, other scars, such as C- section scar or knee replacement scar, can be massaged effectively.

  • C-Section Massage Theraphy

Types of Scars that Can Benefit from a Massage

Not all types of scars can be helped with massage, especially keloids. However, other scars, such as C- section scar or knee replacement scar, can be massaged effectively.

  • C-Section Massage Therapy

Massaging C-section scars has several benefits, such as helping the scar heal well with excellent mobility and improving your abdominal muscles’ functionality.  Also, it helps to make the scar less noticeable. 

Each mother is different from the other, and so is the healing process and scar formation.

The progress in healing depends on the individual’s skill performing the suturing and the extent of the mother’s trauma. Generally, it takes up to 6-8 weeks for your incision to get well.

As soon as your doctor approves, start massaging the scar gently daily to give out adhesions, get rid of the pain, and re-establish the tissue’s normal functioning.

The good news is that you can achieve some significant improvements even if you start massaging the C-Section scar years or months after incision. 

The beauty is that there’s a scar massage tool that makes the scar tissue soft by applying the tool to the skin. It’s also used for sensory evaluation and desensitization.


  • Knee-Replacement Scar Tissue Massage Therapy

Scar massage after knee replacement can also help loosen up the knee muscles and accelerate recovery. When done at the right time, the massage has many benefits, including:

  1. Stimulates blood circulation around the area
  2. Relieves pain
  3. Reduces swelling
  4. Improves motion & flexibility 
  5. provides a general soothing when the knee aches. 

You can massage it at home or get a professional massage therapist to do it. You may also consider transitioning into an electronic scar massage tool that can be used behind the knee, on the side, thigh, or the calf.


Parting Shot

A scar massage is an essential part of the recovery process. I hope the tips given will help you in your recovery journey.