November 24, 2020

Cellulite and stretch marks are skin complications that do not have any health effects but can have adverse psychological effects because they make people feel self-conscious. With the right treatment, it is possible to reduce the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.  

Cellulite vs. Stretchmarks Differences

So what exactly is the difference between cellulite and stretch marks? 

What is Cellulite, and how do you get it?

Cellulite refers to skin that has a dimpled appearance. It occurs when fat cells grow beyond the skin layer, which forces the skin to stretch outward, causing dimples. ‘

Cellulite is usually found on the thighs, hips, and buttocks. Although it can also affect men, it is more common in women, especially those who have undergone pregnancy or have added a lot of weight. 

What are Stretchmarks?

Stretch marks, on the other hand, are thin lines that look like stripes that run across the skin in places such as the arms, stomach, thighs, and hips. 

Causes of Stretch marks

As the name suggests, stretch marks are a result of the skin being stretched. 

They are common in both men and women who have either gained or lost a lot of weight rapidly. For example, women develop stretch marks during pregnancy because of the rapid weight gain and loss.

When the skin is tugged because of rapid weight gain or loss, it cannot adjust quickly enough to the changes. As a result, collagen gets damaged, leading to the development of thin lines. 

You can also get stretch marks from lifting weights and aggressive bodybuilding.  Some medical reports also show that it is hereditary

Cellulite vs. Stretchmarks Treatment

Cellulite and stretch marks do not have any adverse health effects, and so there is nothing to worry about from that perspective. However, they can dent the self-confidence of some people. So such people can explore treatment options that can reduce their appearance. 

Please note that it is almost impossible to get rid of stretch marks and cellulite entirely - but you can minimize their appearance using the treatment methods discussed below. 

You can explore home remedies, medical treatments, or even both to get rid of cellulite and stretch marks. Some treatment methods only work on stretch marks as they are more superficial compared to cellulite. And others are more specific to cellulite removal.

To start, let’s look at the best natural remedies for stretch marks and cellulite to consider:

Home Remedies

Cellulite and stretch mark home remedies require a lot of time and discipline before the results can start showing. The advantage is that they are affordable and readily available. 

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a plant that contains many nutrients that are good for the skin. It promotes skin regeneration by removing old and dead skin cells and stimulating the production of healthier skin cells. 

This plant has some special enzymes and minerals that help to eliminate stretch marks. It also has collagen that promotes skin elasticity, thus minimizing cellulite. 

To use it, simply take the gel directly from the leaf and apply it to the area with stretch marks. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and repeat the process daily for significant results.  

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is also an effective treatment for stretch marks. It stimulates the increase of blood to the skin and also accelerates the production of collagen

Collagen fibers help your skin to become elastic and supple, thus reducing the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite. However, you should exercise caution when using coconut oil, especially if your skin is acne-prone. 

3. Exercise

You are very likely to develop stretch marks and cellulite if you live a sedentary lifestyle and have excess weight. Therefore, it is vital to start working out to help bring the weight down to manageable levels and promote healthy skin free of cellulite and stretch marks. 

You can incorporate weights to tone the muscles and tighten loose skin, which reduces cellulite’s appearance. Also, ensure your workout activities target the specific affected areas to reduce the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks on the legs and thighs, the hips, and buttocks. 

4. Diet

Adopting a proper diet is the right way of tackling most skin problems, including stretch marks and cellulite. 

You need to eat foods rich in nutrients such as Vitamins C, D, and E and minerals such as zinc. These nutrients can prevent stretchmarks from developing and halt the formation of cellulite. 

Also, ensure that your diet is high on dietary fiber, which helps remove excess fat and increases metabolism, which prevents the accumulation of fat beneath the skin’s surface.

Avoid taking a lot of salt and carbohydrates and instead eat healthy proteins and fats that will enable you to build muscle. Proteins also contain collagen that boosts skin regeneration and rejuvenation. 

Also, remember to drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated and supple. Avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee or soda, which may put you at risk of developing stretch marks.

5. Coffee Scrub

Rubbing coffee grounds on your skin can reduce the appearance of cellulite, with the effect lasting up to a week. So how does it work? Coffee contains caffeine, which causes dilation of blood vessels leading to increased blood circulation to the skin surface. 

This makes the skin swell masking the cellulite lumps. A coffee scrub also reduces the appearance of stretch marks because coffee is also an exfoliant. It removes the dead skin cells from the skin surface, stimulating the production of healthier skin. 

For significant results, make a coffee mixture and scrub it onto your cellulite or stretch marks in a circular motion. Do this every time you take a shower.


Medical Treatments

1. Injectables

Some injectables contain substances that reduce cellulite. Injectables have quick results, but their effect is not long-lasting. 

The most common substances contained in injectables is the ingredient collagenase. Collagenase breaks down the cells that cause the dimpled look, making the skin surface even and reducing cellulite’s appearance. 

This year, the FDA approved an injectable to be used for the treatment of cellulite. The drug is injected through the butt up to 12 times. This process is repeated after 21 days. However, it is not recommended for people with allergies as it could cause dizziness or even fainting.  


2. Lipomassage

There is a type of massage that can reduce cellulite called Lipomassage. This massage is done on the buttocks, hips, thighs, and other affected areas using the rollers of a machine held by the hand. 

Lipomassage reduces cellulite’s appearance by stimulating the skin, which increases blood flow to the skin surface. This makes the skin swell, thereby hiding the cellulite lumps on the skin. 

Vigorous massage can also reduce the appearance of cellulite by minimizing excess fluid in the fat cells. This lowers the pressure on the skin, making cellulite less visible. However, Lipomassage cannot completely get rid of cellulite. 

3. Creams

Some creams are beneficial in the treatment of cellulite and stretch marks. They minimize the appearance of the stretch marks and also lessen the severity of cellulite. 

The most effective creams contain either retinol or caffeine. Caffeine dehydrates the fat cells that cause cellulite causing them to shrink and making cellulite less visible. It also stimulates skin repair and eliminates fat cells. Retinol helps to tighten the skin, which further minimizes cellulite. 

Other beneficial ingredients found in creams include almond oil, coconut oil, rosehip oil, vitamin C and E. These creams rejuvenate the skin and increase skin elasticity and blood circulation. They also improve the skin’s thickness, thus reducing stretch marks and dimpling. 

These creams should be applied at least twice a day for the best results. They do not have immediate results and may take up to six months to show improvements. It is essential to seek the guidance of a dermatologist before using these cellulite and stretch marks creams. 

4. Microneedling  

Microneedling is a procedure that involves the use of tiny, fine needles to treat cellulite and stretch marks. It is also known as derma rolling. 

These needles glide over the skin breaking the tough outer skin surface and causing small wounds. When the skin notices the minor physical changes taking place, it increases the production of new collagen and elastin, thus helping the skin repair on its own. This initiates a healing process that reduces the visibility of stretch marks and cellulite. 

5. Laser Treatment

The use of laser for stretch marks and cellulite removal is common today. The type of laser treatment to be used is determined by the problem you want to be treated. 

For example, the removal of stretch marks involves using laser energy to eliminate some of the skin surrounding the stretch marks. This stimulates the growth of a new layer of skin tissue to replace the damaged skin. 

For cellulite treatment, laser toning and massages can tighten the skin, making it smoother and giving it an even appearance. It is also possible to fill the dimples in the skin using laser technology. 


Stretch marks and cellulite are a universal problem and are not specific to only a particular group. The good news is that they pose no health risk. But if they are affecting you psychologically, you can pursue the treatments suggested above to address the problem. 

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