November 22, 2020

Because of their location, facial scars are conspicuous and pose a big cosmetic challenge to many people. And because the face is one of the most exposed parts of the body, facial scars take a longer time to heal compared to scars on other parts of the body. 

There are different types of facial scars, depending on the nature of the injury or condition that caused them. The most common are atrophic scars, which are sunken scars with a gradual depression. The leading cause of atrophic scars is acne. 

Acne manifests itself in the form of pimples that appear mostly on the face. After the pimples have cleared, they leave reddish or brownish acne marks, some of which fade on their own while others take longer to heal depending on the acne’s severity. 

The other most common types of facial scars are hypertrophic scars, which occur when excess collagen builds up a wound. They are easily noticeable because they rise above the wound. 

Closely related to hypertrophic are keloid scars, which also form at the site of a wound but extend beyond the original wound’s boundary. They also occur due to excessive buildup of collagen. 

You can get hypertrophic or keloid scars from injuries sustained in car accidents. Although cars today have more advanced safety features, many people still have facial scars from car accidents. 

You can also get such facial scars from a dog bite. These scars usually have irregular shapes and jagged edges, and they have different colors as they heal. This makes dog bite scars very conspicuous compared to other types of scars.  Facial scars from dog bites are most common in children. 

Facial scar contractures from burns are also common, and they’re even cases of facial knife injuries, among other causes. 

It is also possible to develop facial scars from picking pimples or raw wounds. When pimples or injuries are disturbed by constant touching and picking, they worsen, increasing the scarring risk.

Treatment of Facial Scars

Because facial scars are very conspicuous, it is good to look for treatments that may eliminate them or reduce their appearance. You may consider home remedies or medical treatments depending on your scars’ severity, the results you want, and what you can afford.

Facial Scars Home Remedies

Home remedies are very affordable and are usually readily available. However, they can only improve the appearance of facial scars but cannot remove them completely. 

Here are a few home treatments for facial scars: 

1. Cocoa Butter - 

Cocoa butter contains antioxidants that help to keep your face moisturized. When the skin is moisturized, the scar tissue softens, and with consistent application, you should see some improvements in your skin’s appearance. 

2. Lemon Juice-

Lemon juice is an effective bleaching agent. If applied consistently for a few days, it lightens the scarred tissue on the face and reduces atrophic scars’ appearance, especially those caused by acne. The vitamin c in lemon juice also boosts cell growth and accelerates skin repair. 

3. Cucumber-

Cucumbers are also effective when it comes to treating facial scars. Like lemon juice, cucumbers also brighten the scarred tissue diminishing the appearance of your scars. Cucumbers are also rich in vitamin C, which helps to speed up skin regeneration. Put cucumber slices or mash on the scars for a few minutes every day, and in a few weeks, you will see some positive results.

4. Aloe Vera-

We cannot wind up this list without mentioning aloe vera. It is one of the oldest remedies for skin conditions and is also effective in scars treatments. 

It not only helps to improve the appearance of scarred skin but also accelerates collagen production for the repair of damaged skin. Apply aloe extract on your face at least twice a day for a few weeks, and your face will look healthier and brighter.  

5. Scar Removal Creams

You can also buy facial scars creams that are enriched with ingredients such as retinol and glycolic acid. These creams help to speed up collagen production, which is critical in repairing damaged skin tissue. Consistent application will reduce the appearance of your scars and leave your face looking radiant and healthy. 

 If you decide to use any face scars home remedy discussed above, you need to know that it should be used consistently over a long period to be any noticeable change. But if you are looking for ways to heal facial scars quickly and more effectively, you should consider medical treatments. 

Facial Scars Medical Treatments 

1. Chemical peels

This is a typical scar removal process that involves applying chemical solutions to the skin’s scarred area. These chemicals usually help to get rid of the scarred tissue by removing the damaged skin and, in the process, reduces the appearance of your scars. It works well, especially if you have stubborn atrophic scars, which can be hard to treat. 

The condition of your scars will determine the kind of peel to apply. For shallow or new scars, a light peel will do, but for older, more prominent scars, go for a medium or deep peel. 

Chemical peeling is not a one-time process and may have to be repeated several times for optimal results. However, it is a dangerous process and may lead to severe chemical burns if not done well. 

So you need to be careful lest you are left with facial scars that are worse than the original scarring. The peels are usually applied using a cotton-tipped bud or gauze. You can start from the forehead and then move to the cheeks and eventually to the chin.

2. Face Scar Revision Surgery

In essence, this is facial scars plastic surgery. It involves cutting out the scar tissue and then stitching together the skin to make it less noticeable. 

It helps alter the size, depth, and appearance of a scar to make it less noticeable. Revision surgery is ideal for deep atrophic scars or those scars that have healed in a shape that makes them even more apparent. 

Surgical scar revision is also done to change a scar’s direction to make it harder to recognize. This applies when a scar occurs near a natural wrinkle, hairline, or a natural intersection point on the face, such as where your nose connects with your cheek.

3. Dermabrasion

This method is suitable for treating acne scars. It involves using an abrasive electrical machine to remove the top layer of scarred tissue, which gives an even appearance to the skin. 

Dermabrasion penetrates deep into the skin tissue, making it effective for bigger, more severe scars. In case your scars are shallow and not very severe, you can opt for microdermabrasion, which is superficial and focuses only on the outer layer of the skin. 

Also, if the scars are minor, one dermabrasion is enough. However, several sessions may be required for scars that are more extensive such as atrophic acne scars.

4. Laser Treatment

Facial scars laser treatment is also another effective method of improving facial scars. It involves the use of high-energy light to remove or reconfigure the scarred area of the skin. The severity of the scars will determine the type of laser to be used. 

For example, a pulsed dye laser is used to reduce the appearance of raised scars. For acne scars, laser skin resurfacing is a good option, and it’s a process that can be done in hours. Healing takes a few weeks, but one can resume regular activity in just one week. 

5. Punch Grafts and Punch Excisions

Sometimes the scarred tissue can be removed and replaced with a matching piece of normal skin. This is what punch grafting is all about. 

The replacement skin, also referred to as a plug, is usually taken from hidden places such as behind the ear.  The new skin takes about a week to heal.

Punch excisions, on the other hand, are slightly different. Instead of using new skin to plug the holes caused by scars’ removal, the dermatologist or surgeon uses stitches. These stitches are usually removed in a week or less. 

These two procedures will leave you with smoother skin. You will still have facial skin graft scars, but they will be less visible scars. 

Conceal Scars with Cosmetics

If you want to know how to hide facial scars, then consider using cosmetics. There are so many brands of makeup that can be used to disguise scars. However, you need to be careful about the kind of face scars makeup you're using to avoid making your scarring worse.


To answer a common question from people with facial scars is; do face scars go away? The truth is that although there are many treatments available to treat facial scars, it is good to note that it is impossible to eliminate a scar completely. In fact, at the moment, no treatment can restore the original, unscarred appearance of your face. However, the existing treatments do a great job in reducing the severity and appearance of facial scars.

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